Wednesday, January 8, 2020

December 2019/January 2020 Editorial: A Christmas and New Year’s Wish


A Christmas and New Year’s Wish

Our traditional practices remind us in many different ways that the Christmas season is indeed upon us. For many of us, Christmas would not be the same without ham, fruit cake, or queso de bola. December is also when families and friends get together to celebrate through, among other things, the giving of gifts to one another.

But beyond all the glad, shiny trappings, may we not forget what Christmas is all about: God fulfilling His promise of salvation through the birth our Lord Jesus Christ, who will in the end redeem the world from all wretchedness. In the midst of our celebration of Christ’s birth in our lives, let us not forget to bring the joy-filled spirit of Christmas to people who need it the most, like the poor, the sick, the elderly, the lonely, and the mourning.  For this purpose, we need not go any farther, for we can definitely start in the place we live in -- in our very own families, neighborhood, and barangay.

During Christmas, we often hear it said that “it is better to give than to receive,” but we believe there is nothing wrong with receiving. As St. John Paul II once said, “Nobody is so poor he has nothing to give, and nobody is so rich he has nothing to receive.”

Nevertheless, we hope that the generosity of our beloved leader, born of the bounty he has been gifted with, will inspire the same generosity in the hearts of all.

As a Bayambangueño, what can you contribute to your town and its people in your own little way? How can you give back generously, i.e., even to the point of sacrifice?

With our leader setting a fine example, we pray that Bayambang would grow into a town of generous, because grateful, givers like him. O what a little town it would be when it is Christmas each day of the year, where each home is filled with the warmth of love and caring, thanks in large part to Christ’s inspiration in the hearts of all!

A merry, meaningful Christmas and a New Year of bountiful blessings to all!

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