Monday, May 20, 2024

Brief History: Bayambang Culture Mapping Project

Brief History of the Bayambang Culture Mapping Project

In this photo are the original proponents of this project together with the main consultants in June 2019. Missing in the picture is Dr. Rafael L. Saygo, who attempted the same project as Tourism head (upon the instigation of the NCCA, for sure) before this one by involving Barangay Secretaries. That project didn't push through until Museum head, Ms. Gloria de Vera-Valenzuela, together with Mr. Christopher Gozum of BNHS, came into the picture, but with Saygo in charge of managing the project from the LGU side from start to finish, of course with assistance from Valenzuela and other LGU heads and consultants.

When the project was greenlighted by the Quiambao-Sabangan administration, someone (not sure who) sought the help of the Center for Pangasinan Studies through Dr. Perla Legaspi, Prof. Butch Torio, and Prof. Nicanor Germono Jr. Later on, Prof. Rona Repancol of UST and Dr. Arvin Villalon of NCCA assisted as well.

This project eventually won the Pearl Award by the DOT after the judges reportedly got impressed with how the youth got involved in it.

Soon, two of the stated aims of the project, the publication of a culture mapping book and the establishment of a municipal museum based on the culture mapping output, were realized.

As one of the main volunteers who took interest in this project, I realized that the project had just begun because we were merely scratching the surface of the rich history and culture of the town. Thus, the mapping continues to this day.

After hundreds of student mappers and teachers, thousands of informants, and a select group of senior validators, it has been a rewarding ride so far. Even with so many roadblocks along the way (covid-19, pandemic, realignment of funds, key artifacts missing, etc.), there is the constant joy of self-discovery.

(photo: Gloria de Vera Valenzuela)

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