Monday, December 4, 2023

Ancient Pangasinan knew of 7 kinds of banana

Punti is the generic term for banana in the Pangasinan language. The sucker is called sii.

According to the book "Pangasinan, Pinablin Dalin" published by the Pangasinan Historical and Cultural Commission in 2015, ancient Pangasinenses knew of seven types of banana. These are:

1. andi-poso - big banana called tonduques

2. balayang - banana with seeds

3. bongolan - a type of banana that gives off good smell

4. galayan - a type of big banana

5. kokoyot - wild banana with black seeds

6. malatandok - a type of banana akin to the horn of a goat

7. seba - bishop banana

There is even the term, dosol, an herb that resembles plantain.



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